Died Suddenly News

  So yea, that's a thing now. I'm not going to post a link to F.B. Group,,, Last I checked it had over 122k members and is growing quickly. A comment that kinda made me go Holdup, and that was: "deceived all nations". I'm not well versed on that Book and I'm not going to delve into it. 
 Personally, I didn't take the vaccine because I felt as though I was at a very low risk and my health was good. At that time, I had no animus towards Big Pharma. I knew not to explicitly trust the federal government. So not taking an experimental vaccine was an easy decision that I was always adamant about maintaining. Thusly, it has proven to be the right personal choice for me. Realizing now the scope of the damage done by this vaccine is heart breaking. Here's why. Every day, there's an article headline whereby some public or sports professional had "Died Suddenly" that day. Whelp, that's just one person that a broad group of people would recognize. In turn, that one person represents, in a broader sence, another group of people that suffered the exact same thing in smaller communities around the world. These are the day to day people that are just living their lives and going about their day.


  It's getting harder for the social media and news networks to control the narrative when people have access to a global communication network that connects them all and they can freely share their stories. The people responsible for this know and understand this.  Covid-19 and Ukraine are connected.  You have those that were deceived and you have those that were forced. Either way, in the long term, the vaccine irreparably and permanently damages the vast majority of people that take it. 
Oddly enough, you don't see as many politicians falling out,,, 
 Just Say'n smileys-3d.gif  "FUCK JOE BIDEN

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