That's an odd coincidence,,,

  For the first time ever, the Bering Sea snow crab harvest is closed, and for the second consecutive year, the Bristol Bay red king crab harvest is as well.  "Alaska cancels Snow and King crab season"
  Listen to the mainstream media and they'll tell you that it's because of global warming,,,  I call bullshit, it's the Chinese.  In a video posted to the Knowledge_Base section of this website titled, "
What China is Doing to Kill Us All", outlines and examines China's illegal fishing industry and the adverse effects of their harvesting practices.  The above video was published 11 months ago and explained what was happening and the effects it would have,,,   and like clock work, they shut down the commercial crabbing industry. 
  The upside here on the Gulf Coast of Florida is that they don't have to worry about poaching from chinese fishing fleets.  However, the shrimp fleet is still working on getting their boats repaired and back into the water.  There's still many that are in service and should be scheduled back in with full hulls in a coupla weeks.  They've got allot of work ahead, but it's what they do and they're gonna keep gettin' it did.  

Be that as it may, I thought I'd share After and Before videos from F.M.B. 

Before the After

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Additional Reads
The total for all 38 storms after and including Hurricane Andrew amounts to approximately $962.3 billion. (more probably than not it exceeds a Trillion
Review of the Amazon and Walmart struggle for market share in the brick and mortar space; As well as the dominance of the E-Commerce market.
Another clarifying documentary on the history and events that created the conditions for the war in Ukraine.
Herd immunity was achieved only by un-vaccinated countries
Ivermectin for COVID-19;
Nothing out of the ordinary on that. Please contact me for availability and pricing going forward.
I was the original author, so it's O.K.,,,"The Break Away Society", the video is by Uncle Cracker, "SMILE",,,