Nuremberg 2.0 is a GO!



Hey, Ya'll Have a Great Day,,,  smileys-3d.gif

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Open Oct. 15 - May 1 (closed on May 2). No Covid-19 restrictions or supply chain interruptions. Read the following post for details. {F.Y.I.,,, Covid research videos included for archive reference un-related to Stone Crab. ;-}
Yes, the natural increase in to the local tax base would indeed be in addition to the increases resulting from hurricane damage and rebuilding.
Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines.
I was the original author, so it's O.K.,,,"The Break Away Society", the video is by Uncle Cracker, "SMILE",,,
Features added to the Mp3 Audio Player and playlist. Product photos are being re-calibrated for the addition of an image gallery.