You can't make this up,,,


  Proceedings were paused at the public inquiry looking into the Canadian Truckers Covid-19 Vaccine Convoy Protest and the federal government's use of the Emergencies Act on Thursday afternoon after a medical incident. A lawyer representing the Public Order Emergency Commission collapsed while he was questioning Ontario's deputy solicitor general, the second witness of the day.

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Those who comply will be Free-Range Meat Puppets,,, till the adverse effects start kicking in. Then they'll be hospital patients.
Vaccine Zealotry appears to be a form of mental illness, that has detrimental effects on an individuals health and the health and safety of others.
Made a simple QR Code for the Beach Liquor Store here in Fort Myers Beach whilst trying to implement a barcode scanner function/ feature to the sites e-commerce module. Details inside ;-)
Representative stock photos for various sizes were taken, optimized and uploaded to the store database.
Perspectives and observations from Dr. Mike Yeadon, (the former VP of Pfizer) and Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Military intelligence officer.
Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines.
Message from a gentleman whose heart stopped after being vaccinated. He now relies on multiple medications to survive.
The Vaccine mandates and lock downs were just the beginning.
Open Oct. 15 - May 1 (closed on May 2). No Covid-19 restrictions or supply chain interruptions. Read the following post for details. {F.Y.I.,,, Covid research videos included for archive reference un-related to Stone Crab. ;-}
COINTELPRO was a series of illegal projects by the FBI,,,