This is where they are now,,,

 (The above Video is of a Chechen military commander speaking to Ukrainian prisoners of war and it may not be posted if the article is archived...)

  The instability currently gripping the oil industry has many businesses on edge. The turmoil in the global supply chains isn't helping ease the rapid inflation that's happening right before every ones eyes. The geopolitical war happening in Ukraine has everyone else scared and confused.  So yea,,, it's kinda hard on everyone right now.  And now and then I see something that just hits the ole' ironic button and it makes me stop to ponder a bit. So I was reviewing some videos and saw the stark contrast in messages. I'll provide no context as the viewer should be able to piece it together.


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Additional Reads
Connect the Dots Between COVID-19 / The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab, 5G, and the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 Vaccines Agenda.
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UPDATED: 5/25, It's story time and I've been playing with A.I.,,,,
Documentary on the vast Chinese cities, that are almost completely uninhabited ghost towns.
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