These needed to be archived,,,

  The first was pulled from Twitter and I'll post the card here and post the video for reference later.  While watching this, keep in mind the recent earthquake in Turkey: (hint: this happened the day after Erdogan said they would not vote for the admission of Sweden and Norway into NATO) that devestated the nation.  After the offer he couldn't refuse, Erdogan and by extension Turkey, generously agreed to the NATO admissions,,,

Just sayin,,, smileys-3d.gif

The next video gives context to the dam explosion, collapse and humanitarian crime that no one is talking about.  It's an atrocity and it's explained very cleary in this video

  And the following video highlights the shift to, and effectiveness of, drone warfare and is further proof that future wars can not be fought by troups on the ground, in the trenches or around the city. To attemp such is suicide and to order such is genocide,,, plain and simple.

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