Shrimp just went on sale,,,

  So as to help with inventory control and prevent any problems for the existing day to day operations here at the F.M.B. Shrimp Docks, the online pricing set as of 4/19/21, @approx. 11am E.S.T.  is limited to a total of 500_lbs per size category; U-12, 13/15 and 16/18, respectively;  Sale price is good till the end of month or until said inventory is sold.  This ensures there's a control valve for the online marketplace and that all orders can be satisfied in a timely manner;  I'll make adjustments to pricing and inventory as we move along.  Additionally, I would highly encourage anyone serious about buying the freshest and most delicious shrimp on the planet to please contact me.  We can then determine a real- time, daily market price based on what's available and on hand at the time of request.  This is, by far, the best way to guarantee freshness while being fair and accurate at the same time. 

Here are the basic details for all shrimp products listed at this time.

For sale by the pound: Full bushel bags only, Truck loads available;
Price listed is per pound for a full, un-opened bag; Most bags are between 35 and 50_Lbs.  To estimate cost, multiply pound price by bag weight for total.
Quantity based pricing is available for multiple bags or pallets.
Contact us for details. 
  Please note, the infrastructure and personnel needed to handle and ship smaller quantities isn't currently available at this time, (hopefully in future :-).
Till then, Product and pallets ship F.O.B., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931.

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