The rules-based order,(RBO)

  A quick Google search found that some entity called National Interest, defines a rules-based international order as. The notion that all are bound by a global set of rules, an international law above power. There exists a Western liberal international order whose distinctive values, norms, laws, and institutions were designed to inform and govern state conduct.

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A more full featured slider that swipes on touch and includes navigation. Options to set timing and animations are also available. It's just mo betta.
Updated with video and shadow-box; Replaced the Mp3-player on the main page and the most recent version is posted.
Video of Chechen military commander speaking to Ukranian prisoners of war is in stark contrast to a speech Obama gave to Europe.
They trapped a Democrat monkeyRat trying to rig the mid-terms. Video included.
Recent changes to the Featured Videos section. YouTube changed it's API features and commercials may be included depending on the publishers channel settings.
Al Gore published his book Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit in 1992, the same year Hurricane Andrew hit Florida
Nope, not a false flag or a red flag.