The rules-based order,(RBO)

  A quick Google search found that some entity called National Interest, defines a rules-based international order as. The notion that all are bound by a global set of rules, an international law above power. There exists a Western liberal international order whose distinctive values, norms, laws, and institutions were designed to inform and govern state conduct.

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Not as crazy as it sounds,,, some hypothetical scenarios and serious consideration thereafter will leave a reasonable person to conclude that it's a legitimate question.
Sign prominently displayed over a Canadian HWY overpass. I agree with and support the Canadian truckers.
Alaska canceled harvest season for two types of crabs over population concerns. For the first time ever.
Products listed in the store needed unique Tool-tips per item-category. This actually proved to be challenging.
UPDATED With VIDEO 6/25 A.I. doesn't like talking about ole' heyZues, (Jesus Campos that is ;-)
Why in the world would you book-match a word
Next they're gonna hit Southern Cali. with Hurricane Hillary to deflect attention away from Lahaina