The rules-based order,(RBO)

  A quick Google search found that some entity called National Interest, defines a rules-based international order as. The notion that all are bound by a global set of rules, an international law above power. There exists a Western liberal international order whose distinctive values, norms, laws, and institutions were designed to inform and govern state conduct.

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Representative stock photos for various sizes were taken, optimized and uploaded to the store database.
Updated with video and shadow-box; Replaced the Mp3-player on the main page and the most recent version is posted.
Youtube API is utilized to shuffle and update the main video screen.
Page re-design in progress and moving along nicely
Thus, the $10.38 billion for hurricane-related repairs represents an extraordinary expenditure far beyond normal operations.
COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with patient consent.
The JAB's killing more people than the virus and that's demonstrable fact at this point. Undisputed fact in a coupla years.