The Pink Gold Rush
The Pink Gold Rush is a well put together Documentary of the Fort Myers Beach Shrimping industry.. You can find it on the Knowledge_Base page. It's a very accurate and spot on look at the Shrimp Docks here in F.M.B. It examines all facets of the industry here and the long history it has enjoyed in this part of South-West Florida. The operations and facilities that can be seen in this film are what's on the ground here and now. All of the shrimp products sold via this web site are shipped directly from there. Many of the people in the documentary actually work here daily. Those are the people that are harvesting, handling and selling their catch, (5-days a week ;-), here on the Fort Myers Beach Shrimp Docks; And I'm really thankfully happy to say that it's their product that can be purchased via this web site.
Photos and prices are in the works,
Till then, I highly recommend "The Pink Gold Rush" Documentary posted via the Knowledge_Base page;
Or if you'd like to learn how to catch and cook your own shrimp, while down in the Florida Keys, then you might like the following video posted on YouTube.
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