No supply chain issues here,,,

  I think someone forgot to tell the shrimpers about the supply chain problems cause the shrimp didn't get the memo either;  This is peak time of year for shrimp harvesting.  All the trucks leave fully loaded just as fast as the boats get in.  I see low supplies in some stores for limited items but by and large things seem to be available.  To the best of my knowledge, the shrimping industry here in Southwest Florida has had no shut downs as a result of the "pandemic".  I'd also be willing to wager my last dollar that the shrimp don't know anything about it either.  
  Talking about last dollars,,,  everyone knows that the Dollar Tree is now the $1.25 Trunk.  Their food isle has shrunk by half.  The impact that 25% increase is going to have on the most economically vulnerable hasn't picked up steam yet.  When it does, I believe it will devestate many households.  However, this should come as no surprise, as many of the items in their stores were under priced.  Was that a result of currency manipulation by the Communist Chinese central bank or was it a corporate strategy to launch and build a brick and mortor retail chain;  Who knows for sure.  Bottom line is that it's a 25% price increase that's gonna adversely effect many people.  Might be smart to keep a pistol on one hip and an abacus on the other.  If you can't beat'm fair and square with the one, then you can always count your way out with the other.

Just Say'n,,,  smileys-3d.gif

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Gulf Pink Shrimp

Wild caught, organic, Head-On, Florida Gulf Pink Shrimp, 13-15 count.


Currently not available

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