I finally managed to get that widget installed correctly.  I've yet to completely configure the CKeditor to my liking but it's on the ToDid List.  The main page will inevitably be a full featured social media page.  Having the latest blog title automagically post on the front page is a nice little feature and time saver for the author/ web admin. 
  As for what I previously mentioned about product development and what I had in mind for the site; I know that may sound confusing to some.  The URL pretty much lays it out;  Buy Shrimp.  Here in S.W. Florida they harvest Gulf Pink shrimp and some occasional Rock shrimp.  The other regional specialty item here is Grouper.  So the logistics and shipping are something that's being worked on and researched.  I'm also softly looking into grassfeed, free range, beef.  For fun I'm also researching coffee, wine, whiskey/ moonshine and cigars.  Of course licensing will probably damper most of that, I am going to inquire due to the variance in the regulations for e-commerce and shipping products domestically. 

Keep ya'll posted and I'll update this later,,, 

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