Looks like the script got flipped on all those A-Holes.  

   I seriously tried to tell anyone who would listen not to take those vaccines.  I went so far as to ask a friend of mine, who is a widely respected medical professional in the top of her field, what was her favorite knee.  She said it was an odd question and said that if she had to pick, maybe her right knee.  I said good cuz that would be the one I would break if she took the vaccine.  Then I sent her a video clip from Monty Python and the Knights of Nee just so she knew it was my feeble attempt at humor.  
  And just for nothing, this is the most horrible "Fuck all Ya'll, I told you so ever" feeling I've ever had.  People are dying and most of them were murdered with the vaccine.  This is a crime against humanity, plain and simple.  And the D.O.D. and the Federal government are culpable.

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