An interesting perspective,,,

The notion that insurance companies get a free pass on life insurance payouts if someone choses to take an experimental vaccine as a by product of a government or employer mandate is next level thievery.  
  Additionally, the idea that pharmacuetical companies cannot be held liable if they get full FDA approval to administer their product to children 5 and over explains the big push to get kids vaccinated.  Worst case scenerio for Big Pharma is that it doesn't get the approval it needs and the resulting lawsuits take decades to resolve in court whereby litigation and lawyer fees eat all the rewards.

  Right at a time when the largest wealth transfer in human history was about to take place and the American governments financial and civic obligations to the citizens of this country have never been greater,,,  they called Broken Arrow and launched a bio-weapon.  

  " Early in the Covid era, many believed the virus had made clear that “we’re all in this together”. The pandemic, we were told, would instill a sense of collective responsibility premised on our biological interconnectedness. Yet the reality, starkly revealed by Zients’s proclamation, is that we have entered a new age of biopolitical balkanisation, evident not only in the drastic policy divergence between red and blue states but also in the latter’s attempts to exclude the unvaccinated from public life."

Link to full article:

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Additional Reads
Shirt found on Amazon takes satire to the next level, It kinda begs the question about the recent crypto-coin shenanigans and whose hand may be pulling the strings and manipulating the markets.
Connect the Dots Between COVID-19 / The Great Reset, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab, 5G, and the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 Vaccines Agenda.
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