The Ghost Cities of China

  I stumbled across a montage of building demolitions that were done in China.  I was looking for a link for it and found the following short documentary on Chinas Ghost cities.  Thought it was interesting_AF and created a short video playlist on topic.

Enjoy,,,  smileys-3d.gif

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Both died in the same type fiery car crash accident, neither were on drugs and both vehicles crashed at a high rate of speed.
Updating the YouTube video Playlist and image optimization,,
Al Gore published his book Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit in 1992, the same year Hurricane Andrew hit Florida
That's where A.I. is actually useful,,,
A more full featured slider that swipes on touch and includes navigation. Options to set timing and animations are also available. It's just mo betta.
Sitemaps are a great way to improve S.E.O. results, (and dodge bots ;-).
True perspective of the millions of people maimed and killed by vaccine injury.