The Ghost Cities of China

  I stumbled across a montage of building demolitions that were done in China.  I was looking for a link for it and found the following short documentary on Chinas Ghost cities.  Thought it was interesting_AF and created a short video playlist on topic.

Enjoy,,,  smileys-3d.gif

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Updated with video and shadow-box; Replaced the Mp3-player on the main page and the most recent version is posted.
Next they're gonna hit Southern Cali. with Hurricane Hillary to deflect attention away from Lahaina
Message from a gentleman whose heart stopped after being vaccinated. He now relies on multiple medications to survive.
The JAB's killing more people than the virus and that's demonstrable fact at this point. Undisputed fact in a coupla years.
Another clarifying documentary on the history and events that created the conditions for the war in Ukraine.
I was the original author, so it's O.K.,,,"The Break Away Society", the video is by Uncle Cracker, "SMILE",,,