The Ghost Cities of China

  I stumbled across a montage of building demolitions that were done in China.  I was looking for a link for it and found the following short documentary on Chinas Ghost cities.  Thought it was interesting_AF and created a short video playlist on topic.

Enjoy,,,  smileys-3d.gif

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Al Gore published his book Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit in 1992, the same year Hurricane Andrew hit Florida
Yes, the natural increase in to the local tax base would indeed be in addition to the increases resulting from hurricane damage and rebuilding.
The Vaccine mandates and lock downs were just the beginning.
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They trapped a Democrat monkeyRat trying to rig the mid-terms. Video included.
If hurricanes were hypothetically weaponized and intentionally directed to cause destruction, several psychological and sociological effects might follow:
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