The Ghost Cities of China

  I stumbled across a montage of building demolitions that were done in China.  I was looking for a link for it and found the following short documentary on Chinas Ghost cities.  Thought it was interesting_AF and created a short video playlist on topic.

Enjoy,,,  smileys-3d.gif

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Nope, not a false flag or a red flag.
FGCU, (Florida Gulf Coast University), Documentary with allot of solid information, history and perspective of the South-West Florida Shrimping industry.
You can now search YouTube's entire video library on BuyShrimp.US. It's na work in progress so check back for improvements and updates.
Sitemaps are a great way to improve S.E.O. results, (and dodge bots ;-).
If hurricanes were hypothetically weaponized and intentionally directed to cause destruction, several psychological and sociological effects might follow:
Yes, the natural increase in to the local tax base would indeed be in addition to the increases resulting from hurricane damage and rebuilding.