The Ghost Cities of China

  I stumbled across a montage of building demolitions that were done in China.  I was looking for a link for it and found the following short documentary on Chinas Ghost cities.  Thought it was interesting_AF and created a short video playlist on topic.

Enjoy,,,  smileys-3d.gif

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FGCU, (Florida Gulf Coast University), Documentary with allot of solid information, history and perspective of the South-West Florida Shrimping industry.
You can now search YouTube's entire video library on BuyShrimp.US. It's na work in progress so check back for improvements and updates.
The Vaccine mandates and lock downs were just the beginning.
Another clarifying documentary on the history and events that created the conditions for the war in Ukraine.
Not as crazy as it sounds,,, some hypothetical scenarios and serious consideration thereafter will leave a reasonable person to conclude that it's a legitimate question.
Nope, not a false flag or a red flag.
UPDATED: 5/23 The kicker's that it supports playlists and has a user interface that allows for the arrangement of songs. It's currently installed via the video page.