FAQ & Knowledge_Base updated,,,

  I'm slowly getting some information posted to the FAQ and Knowledge_Base pages.  To be honest, there were and still are some questions that I need to clarify on the ground, but mostly I've been given the green light.  With that in mind I thought that getting the above mentioned pages started was another priority all by itself. 

So here's a little background;  I started working down here on the Shrimp Docks in Fort Myers Beach, unloading shrimp boats, just before the Rona hit.  The company I work with harvests wild caught, organic, shrimp.  They have a fleet of boats and they literally wholesale 10's of thousands of pounds of shrimp every week.  The only retail sales they do with the public is with the walk up, cash and carry customers.  Outside of that, everything else is sold to processors.  This is typically when and where preservatives are added to extend product shelf life.  Some even add sodium tripolyphosphate;  That's an additive or STPP for short—and it's used to make shrimp appear firmer, smoother and glossier. Some processors soak their shrimp and other seafood products in a quick chemical bath of STPP in order to achieve these effects.            
  The shrimp sold via this web site are sourced from a single supplier.  The only product they offer is harvested from the emerald green, open waters of the Gulf of Mexico.  This means that when the nets are brought in and the shrimp collected, they are brine chilled and frozen as soon as they come out of the water.  There are no other processes.  At the dock, each boat's freezer is unloaded and all bags get stacked on pallets and put directly into freezer storage until the next pick up is scheduled.  And it's that inventory that I've been given approval to sell from, online.   In addition to that, occasionally, there's some headless shrimp available, but for the most part it's all head-on.  All sizes and quantities.  I have direct contact with the front office and the loading dock. Pricing has already been discussed and that's forth coming to be posted based on current market pricing.  All orders will be palletized here and loaded for the customer. Payment is due at time of pick-up and it's the customers responsibility to arrange freight/ shipping.  In the weeks ahead I'll be getting all of this info posted and some of the specifics clarified. 

I'll also update this article later,,,  please check back;

Updated:  Added to the Knowledge_Base page is a FGCU, (Florida Gulf Coast University), Documentary produced by the on campus station WGCU.  Allot of solid information and history is provided there and can be found in my next social media post to be titled "The Pink Gold Rush"

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Yes, the natural increase in to the local tax base would indeed be in addition to the increases resulting from hurricane damage and rebuilding.
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