Da'FUQ is that,,,

  The sick bastards genetically modified and created a Dr Moreau style hybrid creature using Monkey and Rat DNA spliced together to create the Biden monkeyRat.  Looks just like him,,, there's gotta be a MEME in there somewhere. 
HEY, ANON, Get on that would ya.  smileys-3d.gif

The rest of ya'll have a Great Weekend.

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Working on page layouts to include videos from different hosting services. Some insightful Covid19 vaccine discussion videos were utilized for educational purposes.
Ivermectin for COVID-19;
A video that covers the Communist Chinese commercial fishing industry,,, Including quotes from YouTube comments on topic from other parts of the world.
Concrete5's template engine makes working with the framework a breeze.
The JAB's killing more people than the virus and that's demonstrable fact at this point. Undisputed fact in a coupla years.
Page re-design in progress and moving along nicely