The 1st two storms of 2024,,,

  I stumbled upon this article online from a coupla weeks ago in reference to Tropical Storm Alberto.  I thought it was kinda ironic considering the current position and projected path of Hurricane Beryl.  As of then their forecast was fairly accurate if not completely spot on. Their prediction on Beryl is another thing.

"Alberto, the first named storm in the Atlantic in 2024, could dump a lot of rain on parts of Mexico, and the forecasters warned about the potential for flash flooding through tonight.

Alberto developed in the southwestern Gulf’s Bay of Campeche, and that area could be the breeding ground for another tropical system in the next few days, according to the hurricane center.

Forecasters expect another area of low pressure to develop there over the weekend near Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula and move into the southwestern Gulf, where it could become a tropical depression.

Forecasters expect this second system to also take a path to the west-northwest or west early next week.

If it were to develop into a tropical storm and get a name, it would be Beryl."

  Well guess what, as of this post. Hurricane Beryl is a Cat4 and is the earliest hurricane on record.  And it's going to where they said it was going when they had some other weather system tagged as "Beryl".  If accurate, that would be odd to say the least.  
  Right about now Hurricane Beryl's passing Jamaica and when I look at it, I'm reminded of Hurricane Opal and how that storm came around the tip of Cuba and sling shot across the gulf and slammed into the Florida panhandle. It has been terrible hot this summer and the Gulf's real warm, so it wouldn't surprise me to see it track into the Gulf of Mexico.  That would be a "awe phuuuq" moment for a whole lotta people.
  So let's recap.  The first named storm of 2024 was Tropical Storm Alberto and it developed in the southwestern Gulf’s Bay of Campeche.  The second named storm is Hurricane Beryl and it developed in the Atlantic as a Cat5 hurricane.  And as of now, Cat4 Hurricane Beryl is moving straight towards the Bay of Campeche.  Now if that ain't ironic.

Just Sayin' smileys-3d.gif

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